BY 43065

Movement Memory System: Spanish Language Vocabulary for English Speakers using Tai Chi Anchors

Do you know some Spanish words but do you really need to learn essential Spanish vocabulary? This module will teach 150 very common Spanish words. This is the first module in a collection of modules that in total will cover 1000 common Spanish meanings. We use Tai Chi as a memory palace path!
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About This Product:

Are you looking for a way to memorize the most important parts of a language? Learning new vocabulary can be a challenging task for adults. But why use Tai Chi and how? Using Tai Chi movements as context for learning might perplex anyone, even those with a background in exercise training. However, incorporating Tai Chi into your learning routine can provide a unique and effective context for vocabulary acquisition. Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese practice known for its slow, flowing movements and deep breathing, offers a range of cognitive benefits that are backed by scientific research. 

Do you want to know how to use advanced memory techniques to help you process information more efficiently? Do you want to use the latest approaches recommended by scientific research in order to learn multiple languages as quickly as possible? If so, then the Movement Memory System is for you!

This exciting and innovative course will give you an introduction to a to memory framework you already use. We start by describing a framework to put the words and the meanings into your long term memory. We will use memory hooks and cues you already have in order to activate the flexibility of your mind.  

The Movement Memory System provides a framework for memorization of morphemes. Using this framework, you can learn new words. The framework uses advanced memory techniques to help the brain process information more effectively and efficiently.

The product is currently available for English, but other languages will soon be added. The information learned from using this technique will be remembered for a long time because it uses scientific research-backed approaches that have been proven effective over time.

Program Details

Bienvenido al curso /Welcome to the Course
Hablar es una habilidad motriz. Speaking is a movement skill.
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Escuchar es una habilidad de pensamiento. Listening is a thinking skill.
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El vocabulario es una habilidad de recordar. / Vocabulary is a remembering skill
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La arena y nuestro camino. / The arena and our path.
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Partición 1 Hermano Hal de la Familia Foot experimentando Interés
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Partición 2 Hermana Ida de la familia Foot experimentando Miedo
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Partición 3 El primo Hefis de la familia Foot experimentando Alegría
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Partición 4 La prima chica Irisha de la familia Foot experimentando satisfacción
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Partición 5 Madre Odella de la familia Foot experimentando Horror
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Partición 6 Padre Kian de la familia Foot experimentando Excitación.
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Partición 7 Tía Oula de la Familia Foot experimentando el Triunfo
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Partición 8 Tío Kirill de la familia Foot experimentando Encantamiento
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Partición 9 Abuelo Gulzar de la familia Foot experimentando Confusión
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Partición 10 Abuela Aubre de la familia Foot experimentando Simpatía
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Partición 11 Bisabuelo Gunthar de la familia Foot experimentando Ansiedad
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Robert Pomedli

I’m Robert, creator and developer of the Movement Memory System for Vocabulary. I’m on a mission to enable everyone to quickly acquire a basic vocabulary in a new language.
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As a computer system analyst. I’ve approached the process of learning a language from a systems point of view. Let me explain. Each person has perception frameworks such as vision, motion and the passage of time, as well as social frameworks. If we use of these frameworks when we learn, we allow our memory to work at its best. 
I believe a language is primarily learned by acquiring a vocabulary of sufficient size to be useful and secondarily by the correct pronunciation and grammar. We learn words but we understand the meanings of words. It is the meanings of the words that are processed within the frameworks. For example you may have been in a situation you understand but are at a loss for words to describe what just happened. 
I have adapted three effective approaches to memory recall. I have added aspects to take advantage of memory cues based on images, location, and movement within a social structure. My research into perception, memory, and recall has been used to build a system that uses talents each into which each and every one of us can tap. 
And now I get to share that system with the world, starting with you. 
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